Ashley Griffin

Comments for Ashley:

ASHLEY!! I'm so glad I've gotten to know you better this year, I remember being sad because I felt like you were one of the people I hadn't gotten to hang out with last year (I was scared of anyone not a freshman my first semester and then you were abroad bad) but now I'm so thankful that has changed! You're just so cheerful and it always makes me feel a little bit happier! Love you!

Ash. From neighbors freshman and sophomore year to now you living like 700, or so, steps from me I'm so glad the distance hasn't kept us apart ;). You were one of my first college friends. I remember moving into my room and you poking your head in the room and just saying "hi, we talked on facebook. I'm ashley and i live next door. see you later" and we've been friends since. Even last year when you were in Ireland I am so glad we were able to talk so much, our friendship has no limits. We've been through alot together, and I'm honestly glad you were there to experience all the firsts with my freshman year, since they were firsts for you too. You are so dedicated to everything you do and I really admire you for that. I'll never forget during our dinner of initiation, one of the seniors was reading their thing and it mentioned some neighborly thing and you and I turned and looked at each other and just smiled. You are one of my best friends. Love you boo

Ashley you are so a joy to be around and make me feel totally comfortable just being myself. Its always awesome seeing you around the house and killing it at the intramural sports!!

Ashley! I am so glad we've gotten to know each other over the last couple of years. One thing I love about you is that even if you're having a rough day there is still a faint smile on your face and whether you're on/off the intramural field you always try to keep others around you positive and are so encouraging. You're fun to be around and will be missed next year

Ashley, you are such a sweetheart and so smart and so athletic. I am so happy I got to meet you and become your sister. I really hope we will see each other again :) 

Ash!! You are seriously such a blessing. I'm so glad we got the opportunity to study abroad together and have some Jameson fun in limerick (; I'm going to miss your optimism and happiness every day! Keep on shining pretty! 

My first memory of you was at KA one night my freshman year when I told you "you're so pretty, you seriously look like a senator's wife" haha. I still think it's true because you're always such a shining representation of our chapter, but now that I know you better it wouldn't surprise me if you ended up the senator instead of the wife! I'm so thankful for the dedication you've shown our chapter, and I have no doubt you will show that same dedication to your success after college because you seem to expect nothing less of yourself! Good luck as you encounter your next big adventure! 

Ashley thank you for always being so sweet and loving! You are always so supportive and such a great sister to be around!