Jessica Warnken

Comments about Jessica:

Jessica!! You are one of my very very very best friends and I thank Jesus for you every single day. You are one of the funniest people I have ever met, and you make nursing {{slightly}} bearable. Your work ethic is one to admire, as are you. You make me want to be a better person, and I love watching you succeed! You are wonderful and perfect and don't let anyone ever tell you anything different! Love you!!

I love you so much and am so blessed to have you in my life. Thank you for all the times you listen to me and when you will listen to me! I love our chats and are similar annoyances. I really loved when we went to dinner and your apartment just to hang because we needed a break. I love you so much and admire your amazing work ethic! You are kicking nursing schools butt and continue to do so because you will do amazing things momma and I can't wait to see what they will be! LOVE YA for the millionth time!

Jessica, you are a wonderful addition to this house, and it truly amazes me how you can light up every room you walk into! You are so hardworking and I truly admire that. (Mackenzie Smith)

You're easy going, laid back, and always follow through. Thanks for being someone I can always count on!

Jessica, you are such a great addition to the house! You are so fun and easy going, and I've never heard you say anything bad about anyone!

Jess, I'm so happy you're my suite mate and (most of the time) the only one in Suite B with me on the weekends. Even if we don't hang out as much as we could, you're still someone that I consider to be one of my very closest friends and I appreciate you so much! You are so hardworking and dedicated and I respect that about you so much. I LOVE YOU (and late night talks/notebooking in your room at 2am when I have a 5am flight)

dot! I am so lucky to have a dot as funny and kind and as genuine as you. You are so hardworking and dedicated to your education and I can't wait to see where life takes you in these next years of college and beyond. You are the best dot a girl could ask for, i love ya Jess!

Niecy!! I'm so proud of how hard you work all the time! I love that we share the same major, and I hope you know you can come to me if you ever need advice or guidance, or even to vent about how rough nursing school can be. Stay focused and I know you'll be a great nurse because I've already seen what a caring sister you are :) 

Jess! You work so hard and are so much fun to be around. You have so many great ideas and are doing an amazing job as reference chair!! I'm so happy to know you and have you in my life!

I love that you're always smiling, seriously, I've never seen you with a straight face that lasted more than a second because you're such a happy, glowing beam of light. I'm so happy to call you my sister and hope to get to know you more because you're super sweet and have such a friendly, approachable thing about you.