Comments for Mackenzie:
Mackenzie I'm so happy to have you as a sister! Even though I
was pretty terrified of you when I first met you, I'm glad that I've gotten
over that and gotten to know you better because of it! I can't wait to be
disafilliated with you, I couldn't think of one person I would rather have with
me!! LOVE YOU!
Mac! thank goodness we're suitemates this semester and have
managed to get so close. Honestly I don't know what I would do without your
weekly pug/ellen video to help me make it through. I've really gotten to see
what a caring, genuine, sweet, and loving person you are. You are someone who
would drop anything to help someone else out and I feel lucky to know you. You
dedicate 100% to everything you do, which is noticeable by how much you give to
things like your office in tridelta and your job on SA, and also your
friendships in the house. Keep doing you and being amazing #Mackenzie4Treasurer
Mackenzie, you're such a wonderful human and I'm so glad you're
in my life. You're so compassionate and caring. You're always trying to improve
and you have such a great outlook on life. I admire your willingness and
dedication to being involved, having a voice, and encouraging others to do the same.
You're strong, independent, and so smart. Love you, girl!
You are so beautiful! I love having you as one of my sisters so
much. You always go out of your way to help others and that is just one of your
amazing characteristics. You take all of your positions here on the campus with
such passion, and that passion spreads trust me.
Mackenzie, you are such a gorgeous woman and simply freaking
cool. I am really so sad we didn't get to spend more time together. But who
knows! Maybe we'll go on a really cool spring vacation together or something :)
You are such an amazing young woman, you're super smart and I
love how you are always so friendly, genuine and caring. Always put others
first and it never hurts that you have the most random things in your Mary
Poppins drawer for whenever anyone needs something :)
Mackenzie! You are such a caring individual and so independent.
You are never afraid to be blunt and I think that is an admirable character in
a person. Use that in the future! You have such a promising life ahead of you
and I wish for you that it will always be filled with joy, love, and a little
adventure (;
Mack Daddy!! You are so strong and so eager to help this house
become better! If more people had that attitude, we would be unstoppable! Never
forget how loved you are by your sisters, including me :) I can't wait to just
be one floor away from you for all the fun times next year. Come by anytime for
wine and doritos. I love you mack!
My sweet love, Matenzie. Where do I even begin? I am so grateful
for the myriad of ways that our friendship has grown into what it is today. I
know you're always there for me when I need someone to listen to me cry, eat an
irresponsible amount of food at BBD, prank someone, or just share a good ol'
fishbowl at Yoko. Your compassionate heart stands in a category of its own, and
I can only hope that you see the incredible person you are all on your own.
You're one of the strongest and most driven people I have met in college and
those are downright SEXY characteristics in a woman. I couldn't imagine sharing
a Tinder account with anyone else. I'm so thankful you're a part of my life
mama <3