Comments for Molly:
You did an awesome job as VPCD next year and are definitely the
reason behind my decision to slate and work so hard at my office now. I'll miss
seeing you around the house next year!!
You are an amazing role model for girls to look up to. During
all of our new member and initiation events I was always so impressed with the
work you and the other officers had to put in. Thank you for being an excellent
role model for what it means to be a leader and to be successful.
Molly, I will miss seeing you next year but I know you will be
so successful in life because of your strong work ethic and sincere
personality. I believe you are a fantastic representation of our house, you
always carry yourself will class and a smile. Good luck in all your future
endeavors, but please come back and visit us because I want to know what Molly
is up to :)
Molly, I am SO thankful that I have gotten to know you over the
past year and a half. I love talking to you about anything and I am so glad to
have you as a friend and a sista! I love you!
1st- eyebrows on fleek 2nd- everything on fleek. You are such a
beautiful, caring person and a wonderful sister.
I have really enjoyed getting to know you these past few years,
and especially this semester! You are so much fun to be around, and always
bring such a positive energy to the room, and I just have to say that I AM
OBSESSED WITH YOUR ROBOT PROJECTS! anyways... You have really helped our house
grow and evolve into an even better chapter and group of young ladies, and I
can't say thank you enough!
Molly you are such a good role model to me and to everyone else
in the house. I love your ability to balance your crazy school schedule while
still making Tri Delt a priority in your life. Thank you for being such a good
friend and someone I can turn to. I know you will do amazing things in your
future, I can't wait to see where your life takes you after college!
Molls, honestly I am so glad I know you. You're the Marshmallow
to my Weasleton, the butt plug to my rabbit pearl, and the G to my F. You are
one of my best friends. I love our roomie bonding and that I know I can come to
you with anything and everything and even if you don't know what to say you are
always there to listen. You are such a hard worker and you never cease to amaze
me. I think the only way to sum up what you mean to me is to say: Because if that
little kid likes me, how bad can I be?.