Monika Perez

Comments for Monika:

Sweet baby Mo! I can't begin to tell you how loved and cared for you are in this house. Your strong personality and sunny disposition are only part of the reason you are so special to me. I admire your passion and dedication to your schoolwork that fuels your late night study sessions and unending perseverance, your willingness to try new things, and the way you don't take ish from anyone [I know a thing or two about that myself;)]. You are so much stronger than you know and I hope you can see what I see in yourself. Please know I'm always here if you need to be reminded of this, need a shoulder to lean on, or advice about piercings. YOU ARE SO LOVED MY SWEET BABY RAY OF SUNSHINE PETUNIA PETAL! 

ahhhh i love you so much! you are so smart and such a sweet girl. I know i can come to you with anything and that quality can be hard to find these days! you are such a badass and pretty and smart and flexible and everything super cool! heck you ever got your nose pierced one day! keep doing you mo

Mo I absolutely adore your strong and fun personality that I know is going to lead you to do amazing things in the future. It's hard to believe you're a freshmen due to your maturity, determination, and straight-up brilliance. Even though you are one of the most hard working people I know, I know that you would drop everything in a heartbeat in order to help a friend, and I can't thank you enough for that. You make people feel comfortable and welcomed and you are a fantastic addition to our house. I love you so much, and please remember that I am always here for you whenever you need me!

MO! I love you so much and I am so grateful to have you in TPAC! I can always come to you with any problem and you will help me calm down and give me advice! I cannot wait to see what the future holds for such an amazing girl!

Monika! you have such an incredible spirit. I have loved getting to know you this past year. You truly care about everyone you meet. I love how you always just pop into my room to check on me. You are so incredible and I will really miss our life chats about boys next year. You're great!

I am constantly in awe of how smart and athletic and cool you are!!! Keep on doing you.

GBABY!!! I don't even know where to begin! You are such an incredible girl that is never afraid to challenge the status quo and fight for things that you want, and that is something very admirable! you have been the absolute perfect addition to our family, and I know that our family can never be complete without you :) You are so strong and confident and I am so excited to see all the incredible things that you do in your four years at TU as well as in TriDelta! I love you forever MWAH!