Claire Keating

Leave your comments for Claire below!


  1. Claire Keating, you are one of the most beautiful, kind, loving, hilarious, wonderful people I have ever had the delight to know and call not only my friend but my sister. I am so grateful to have you as a part of my life. I couldn't imagine studying 24/7 and laughing about the most ridiculous things with anyone else. You truly brighten my days and I'll buy you endless salad any day if it means I get to spend my with a woman as fantastic and irreplaceable as you

  2. Claire! From day 1 I have always thought you were gorgeous, but the more I get to know you the more I admire beyond just your incredible smile and graceful presence. I can tell from working with you this semester that you are thriving in one of the most difficult offices in the house, keeping up with your constant studying, still making time for friends, AND maintaining those killer curls! (srsly I want your hair). Your ability to balance everything is astounding to me, but should you ever feel like you need a day off from being such a mythical unicorn of perfection, I hope you know I'm always here to help you in any way I can. **Side note** D'ZAAMMMMMNNNN girl I didn't know you could shake it like that until KSig awe of the booty.

  3. Claire I have no idea where to begin. You are so spontaneous, fun and enjoyable to be around. You make this house so much better and your commitment and dedication that you have already shown is wonderful. I admire how hard you and Abby work to ensure that you do the best that you can in school, and be the best that you can be. I can't wait to see all the incredible things that you will do for this house, and I hope to continue getting to know you better within the next year and a half. Keep being you, and never stop bringing smiles to everyone's faces!

  4. Claire you're so great, I always appreciate how sweet you are and just overall your ability to study (even though I know youre watching Netflix) for countless hours at that back table. You are such a kind and funny girl and I hope that you realize that, I could not of wished for a better sister when we were lucky enough to get you. Let us do another Thursday night soon so you can show me how it is done now :)

  5. Claire, I am so impressed by your natural leadership ability and your willingness to put so much effort and time into the house, especially as a freshman. You always seem so calm and collected, and you always have such a pretty smile on your face. I have loved getting to work with you this semester, and I can't wait to see where these next few years as a Tri Delta will take you. Love you Claire!

  6. Claire! I admire your kindness and friendship. I am so glad I get to call you my sister and friend! I admire your strong work ethic and openness to help anyone! By the way......way to shake that booty in K Sig Dance!

  7. Claire! You are such a sweet and kind soul! I am so happy that you are a member of our chapter and I know that you will do incredible things in the next 3 years as a TriDelta!!
