Emma Hug

Leave your comments for Emma below!


  1. You're one of those people that's just really easy to get along with, ya know? And not like because you're a pushover, but because you're just down to earth and really funny. I'm so glad I've gotten to know you since you joined our beautiful sisterhood, and I can't wait to see what you do in this house. Keep on keepin on sweet girl.
    PS- this might sound incredibly creepy but I've always thought you have really nice lips. Like they're just so pouty and you always look like you have lip color on. haha

  2. Emma Hug, your name suits you because you are so hug-able. Every once in a while I will get a diet coke that says hug and it makes me think of you. You are also hilarious, kind, smart, and admirable. Tri Delta is so lucky to have you and I can't wait to watch you grow as a member and as a person these next two years! Also lizzie is right, we are all jealous of your lips. They're perf.

  3. EMMA HUG......okay you already know I'm obsessed with you (I'm sorry I really don't know what it is you just kinda make me a little happier everytime I see you). So happy you're a little corrupted, so happy I get to be a part of that. I will forever treasure the pictures I have of you crying. Thanks for picking flowers from the U with me, you're a pretty special person. I'm also very excited for 2 years from now when you sing me the Winnie the Pooh song

  4. Emma, you are too cute and it has been so fun getting to know you this year! Unfortunately our time together was brief (due to me graduating in a week), but I loved the times I did get with you and the rest of your awesome pledge class. You are such an amazing addition to this house and I encourage you to take full advantage of every opportunity Tri Delta will give you over your next three years. Good luck in the future and I hope to stay in touch with you when I visit Tulsa (A LOT)! DLAM!!!
