Sophi McArthur

Leave your comments for Sophi below!


  1. Sister President, it's been an honor getting to know you better over the past semester or two. You're an amazing leader; something I respect and admire about you is that you are always always willing to take on a challenge or something that is out of your comfort zone. I'm so honored to be your sister!

  2. poor thing who puts up with me all the time. haha Seriously, you know my every insecurity and have seen all my moments of weakness, but you never let me dwell in them. That's my favorite thing about our relationship: 90% of the time we're about to pee our pants from laughing at things no one else finds funny, but for the small percentage that's filled with tears and stress I know you're always going to say yes when I say "can I just have a hug". Our relationship rocks because you stayed up with me until 2am studying anatomy flashcards one time, you sat in the same restaurant to bail me out of a date, and my mother likes you better than me. <--wait that one actually sucks for me. Anyhow, I love all the bizarre things we've done together and the memories that date back to our grade school days. I wouldn't trade you for anything <3
    ....except maybe Waffle House but I know you'd do the same.

  3. Soph!
    You are always so calm and so cool. I love that every time I see you, even just in passing that you always have such a beautiful smile for me! Not everyone does that, and it makes all the difference! A smile from you always brightens my day :) along with that you always remember to ask me how I'm doing, and you're always so genuine when you ask that it makes me feel cared for, and I love that you make a point to do that with everyone around you.
    Love you!

  4. Dej, lets be real. You are a boss and I am so happy that I have had the opportunity to become such good friends with you. I know very few other people who can take on my overwhelming personality at lunch every single day and also can put up with me wherever we end up that weekend. You are so caring and selfless, you always are seeing if I am good and everyone else. Honestly youre just awesome and I cannot say it any better than that. Awesome. You are such a solid president and I am so happy to have you as the leader of our house, you're the OG and I am your YG. Ride or die, I rep the set for ya my homie.

  5. G! You are amazing! Thanks for all your advice and conversations. I am so grateful to have you as my G. You are an amazing leader and I can't wait to see where you will take our house. I admire your ability to have fun and focus on school at the same time. Thanks for everything you do for me and this house!
    G baby.

  6. Soph a loaaff!!! There is so much to say. You have always been there to listen to my stories, woes and just downright stupid moments but you never judge, just listen and laugh along with me or encourage me or tell me to chill. I love that I get to call you friend and I look forward to getting to make many more memories with you even if it is just suffering through some dreaded class (I don't particularly look forward to those, but hey). Love you lots!
